As part of the 2020 Night of Ideas entitled “Living the City”, CEFRES organized on the 30th January a roundtable on “To Live on the Margins of the City”.
A repport by Etienne Coudrais and Timothé Freddo
Four speakers took part in the discussion, moderated by the director of CEFRES, Jérôme Heurtaux. Continuer la lecture de To Live on the Margins of the City →
A review by Katalin Pataki (CEU – CEFRES)
As one of the main research areas of CEFRES is entitled “Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces”, the scholarly events of Prague that set into focus the concept of heritage and its manifestations in various spaces and social practices, rightly fall into the scope of its news. Two exciting workshops deserve special attention, as they brought together young researchers from several institutions generating lively discourses on the notion of heritage and its capacity to feed into the formation of identities and places in various spatial settings. Continuer la lecture de Workshops on Heritage and Identification →

Christian Topalov : Histoires d’enquêtes. Londres, Paris, Chicago (1880-1930). Paris : Classiques Garnier (Bibliothèque des sciences sociales 5), 2015.
Par Mátyás Erdélyi, doctorant au CEFRES
Dans cet ouvrage, Christian Topalov entreprend d’écrire l’histoire sociale des sciences sociales en analysant trois enquêtes sociologiques réalisées au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. C’est ainsi qu’on découvre l’enquête de Charles Booth commencée en 1886 sur la pauvreté et le chômage à Londres, le travail de Maurice Halbwachs sur Paris au début du XXe siècle et l’enquête de Park et Burgess sur Chicago dans les années 1920. Continuer la lecture de Histoires d’enquêtes – Christian Topalov →
Voix de chercheurs, débats publics