Archives par mot-clé : Histoire

Histoire des sensibilités et exposition de la psychanalyse à l’histoire

Autour d’Hervé Mazurel

Un compte rendu par Raphaël Pichard-Roumagnac, stagiaire au CEFRES           

La conférence « Histoire des sensibilités » puis la table ronde « Exposer la psychanalyse à l’histoire » se sont tenues les 21 et 22 septembre 2023 à Prague, organisées par le CEFRES  et Ondřej Matějka (professeur à la faculté des Sciences sociales de l’Université Charles à Prague) qui avaient invité Hervé Mazurel (Université de Bourgogne), l’un des représentants les plus éminents de l’histoire du corps, des sensibilités et des imaginaires, spécialiste de l’Europe du XIXe siècle, également codirecteur de la revue Sensibilités. Histoire, critique et sciences sociales. Au cours de la conférence, Hervé Mazurel est revenu sur la spécificité, les origines et les terrains d’études de son domaine de recherches : l’histoire des sensibilités. Comme épistémologue, il participe également à la redynamisation des rapports entre histoire, sciences sociales et disciplines de la psyché. Ainsi, la table ronde a porté sur son ouvrage, Linconscient ou loubli de lhistoire. Profondeurs, métamorphoses et révolutions de la vie affective (La Découverte, 2021) qui aborde les rapports complexes entre l’histoire et la psychanalyse.

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The Last Year of the Second World War

The Last Year of the Second World War 1944–1945 in the Reichsgau Sudetenland and the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Review by Pascal Schneider 

The 27th colloquium in the Archives of Ústí nad Labem, a town in northern Bohemia, named Aussig from 1938 to 1945 in the Reichsgau of the Sudetenland, could finally take place on 21 and 22 October 2021. Originally scheduled on 21 and 22 May 2020, it had been twice postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 27th edition of this regular event was characterized by a considerable diversity of its organizers. The colloquium, which took place at the Ústí nad Labem City Museum, a colossal building next to the North Bohemian Theatre of Opera and Ballet, not far from the Peace Square, was organized by the Institute of History of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jan-Evangelista Purkyně University (FF UJEP) and the Institute of Slavic-Germanic Studies UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, in cooperation with the Archives and the Museum of the city, the Society for the History of Germans in Bohemia and the Collegium Bohemicum.

The theme of this year’s event, The Last Year of the Second World War 1944–1945 in the Reichsgau Sudetenland and the Reich Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, was explored by fifteen specialists from Liberec, Litoměřice and Prague, not to mention five local speakers from Ústí nad Labem, and one from France, associated with the CEFRES. As archivists, museum managers and academics, they were presenting their latest research or discoveries, particularly in unpublished collections or rarely used archives. The topics discussed were very diverse and often complementary, concerning both economic and military but also political and cultural issues. In addition, there were rich monographs presented by several witnesses, some direct actors of these events included.

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Crisis and Renewal in the History of Political Thought

A Conference report by Martin Pjecha

The conference “Crisis and Renewal in the History of Political Thought”, hosted in Heidelberg 11-13 October, 2018, was the fifth conference organized by the European Society for the History of Political Thought (ESHPT, The Society itself, founded in 2009, intends to function as a platform for international academic communication between established and young academics on the vast field of “political thought”, broadly defined. To this end, it has organized events, workshops, publications—the most recent being László Kontler and Mark Somos (eds.), Trust and Happiness in the History of European Political Thought (Leiden: Brill, 2017)—and biannual conferences. The latter have all been thematically-focused on issues like citizenship, constitutions, and this year’s crisis, a term linked to sudden change and opportunity in politics.

                The conference’s program represented quite well a broad chronological framework, with papers devoted to authors of the ancient, medieval, early-modern, and modern periods. Yet the focus of the conference clearly lay in the two latter periods, particularly in the early-modern and Englightenment leaning into the modern. It could be argued that some organizers relied on a particular understanding of political thought, evidenced by the weak representation of medieval thought, political theology, and political thought from outside Europe in general; such welcome additions would more fully fulfill the conference’s desire to exhibit the field’s current research trends on a global scale.

                Shortcomings in scale and focus aside, the conference was of quite high quality, with both presenters and audience engaging in thoughtful and well-informed discussion. A part of this may be explained by the proportion of established academics and emeritus scholars in the program; this was by no means a graduate conference. This brings us to the question of the goal and identity of the conference and the ESHPT moving forward, which can either highlight its current strengths in more traditional political thought, or expand its scope to a more precarious but representative notion of global political thought, with the accompanying necessary inclusion of disciplines like religious studies and theology (among others). This conference was clearly an attempt to do both, a challenge which it met with varying success, despite its high intellectual quality.

From philanthropy to the welfare system in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Imperial experiences at the turn of the century

Report on the workshop organized by the CRH-EHESS in Paris, February 16, 2017

by Mátyás Erdélyi (CEFRES / CEU)

This workshop is part of a series of four seminars organized by the Centre de recherches historiques (CRH-EHESS) entitled “From philanthropy to the welfare system in Central and South-Eastern Europe – Imperial experiences at the turn of the century” [De la philanthropie à la protection sociale en Europe centrale et du sud-est. Expériences impériales au tournant du XXe siècle]. They focus on the historical connections between philanthropic activities, social reform, and their legacy in the welfare systems of successor states in Central- and South-Eastern Europe. Continuer la lecture de From philanthropy to the welfare system in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Imperial experiences at the turn of the century