A review by Katalin Pataki (CEFRES-CEU) & Ádám Mézes (CEU)
The annual postgraduate conference of the British Society for the History of Science was held between 5-7 April 2017 in Florence at the European University Institute in collaboration with the Centre Alexandre-Koyré (Paris). The event took place in Villa Salviati, a building of EUI located on the picturesque Tuscan hillsides near Fiesole. Continuer la lecture de Postgraduate Conference of the British Society for the History of Science – Florence 5-7 April 2017 →
A review by Katalin Pataki (CEU – CEFRES)
As one of the main research areas of CEFRES is entitled “Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces”, the scholarly events of Prague that set into focus the concept of heritage and its manifestations in various spaces and social practices, rightly fall into the scope of its news. Two exciting workshops deserve special attention, as they brought together young researchers from several institutions generating lively discourses on the notion of heritage and its capacity to feed into the formation of identities and places in various spatial settings. Continuer la lecture de Workshops on Heritage and Identification →
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