The Conundrum of Rising Prices in Hungary, 1900-1918

A paper presented at the History of Crisis Research Group seminar

Place and date: Eötvös University (ELTE), Budapest, 22 October 2015.

Mátyás Erdélyi (CEFRES & CEU) presented a paper on the public debate over the increase of consumer prices in Hungary between the turn of the century and the aftermath of the Great War. Although the phenomenon of rising prices, drágaság in Hungarian or Teuerung in German, seemed to affect all social strata, especially the urban population, there did not exist any consensus on how to define and measure it, who and what to blame, and how to remedy the situation before the turn of the century. Consensus, it seems, was only reached over the fact that the increase of prices was harmful to the existing social order and therefore had to be restrained. In this setting, first, the paper investigates how a monetary phenomenon, defined as such by most economic historians, could be conceptualized by contemporaries as a “social problem” that invited contributions from various experts, professionals, and academics, although with a clearly defined hierarchy of prestige and thus competence; second, it examines how the process of pluralizing the public debate led to a detrimental incapacity to find countermeasures on the part of the government.

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Vers une anthropologie des apparitions: l’importance de la recherche de terrain en Europe du Sud-Ouest

Dans le cycle des “distinguished lectures” organisé par le programme doctoral d’anthropologie culturelle de l’Université de Pécs, coorganisé et financé par la FMSH (Paris) et le CEFRES (Prague), l’intervention de Galia Valtchinova, Professeur d’anthropologie à l’Université de Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, a eu lieu le 19 octobre 2015.

La conférence, intitulée Balkan Visionary women challenging the anthropology of apparitions. The importance of fieldwork, s’est inscrite dans une thématique de proue pour les ethnologues de cette Université et en particulier pour le programme doctoral. Rappelons que la thématique constitue l’un des axes majeures du projet Vernacular religion on the boundary of Eastern and Western Christianity: continuity, changes and interactions, mené depuis trois ans sous l’égide de l’ESF.

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Transformation, dégradation, perte des objets scientifiques

Compte rendu de la conférence : Transformation, dégradation, perte des objets scientifiques
avec la participation du professeur Olivier CLAIN
21 octobre 2015, au CEFRES.

A l’initiative de Jan Maršálek (IIS FSV UK), Olivier Clain (Université de Laval, Québec) a présenté au CEFRES le mercredi 21 octobre 2015 une conférence-débat intitulée la disparition, la transformation et la perte des objets scientifiques. Cette rencontre a été pensée comme un échange visant à définir les lignes possibles d’un colloque de plus grande ampleur qui sera consacré à cette question dans les mois à venir. Continuer la lecture de Transformation, dégradation, perte des objets scientifiques

Roma Argentea: On the 1950th Anniversary of the Pisonian Conspiracy

Conference on Roman Literature, Culture and History of the Roman Empire on the 1950th Anniversary of the Pisonian Conspiracy.

Place and date: Charles University, Prague, 24–25 September 2015.

The conference Roma Argentea, held on 24 and 25 September 2015, was organized by the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague. The conference brought together researchers from major Czech research institutions in Classical Studies and from other disciplines as the Pisonian conspiracy reached its 1950th anniversary. The Pisonian conspiracy, named after its leader Gaius Calpurnius Piso, was plotted by the Roman elite against the emperor Nero. However, it was exposed in 65 CE and led to the death of the main conspirators, and of the philosopher Seneca, his nephew Lucan and the writer Petronius.

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